Royal Rangers utilizes a combination of print and electronic curriculum components to achieve the optimum balance between flexibility and availability. Most of our curriculum is made available online through TRaCclub, our online resource delivery system, while some components are available in print or e-book format for ease of use.
TRaCclub includes a variety of materials primarily intended for use by Royal Rangers outpost leaders. However, boys or families may purchase memberships to TRaCclub as well if they choose to use the curriculum at home, outside of the regular weekly meeting. Many families use the Royal Rangers curriculum as part of their home schooling program as a means to further enhance their son’s education through the diversity of fun, hands-on skills. Others purchase memberships to help their son complete materials he may have missed in class or to complete additional work at home.
TRaCclub includes everything you need to conduct weekly Royal Rangers meetings, including weekly meeting guides, skill merit activity guides, Bible lessons, and leadership merits. For details visit our TRaCclub page or the TRaCclub Help Center.
Printed Curriculum
Printed curriculum items include the Royal Rangers Leader Manual and the boy’s handbooks for Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, and Expedition Rangers. These books serve as core reference material for all aspects of the Royal Rangers program and are integral components of the leadership and skills development process.
Additional print components such as the books A Guys Journey to Manhood and A Guys Journey to Servant Leadership serve as supplemental resources for use in specific areas of the program.
- Ranger Kids Handbook (item #022115)
- Discovery Rangers Handbook (item #020615)
- Adventure Rangers Handbook (item #020616)
- Expedition Rangers Handbook (item #020617)
- Royal Rangers Leader Manual (item #022171)
- A Guys Journey to Manhood (item #020618)
- A Guys Journey to Servant Leadership (item #020619)
- Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Handbook (item #020540)
All Royal Rangers handbooks and leader manuals are available in both print and e-book formats. E-books may be purchased through Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook) or Apple (iBooks). Links to those stores can be found on where the printed version of each book is sold (see links above).
Recommended Curriculum & Resources
The following curriculum items and resources are recommended in order to operate a Royal Rangers program most effectively.
- TRaCclub – Ranger Kids Track – includes all the weekly meeting guides, teaching materials, and boy’s worksheets needed for Ranger Kids
- Royal Rangers Leader Manual (item #022171) – one for each leader
- Ranger Kids Handbook (item #022115) – one for each boy
- TRaCclub – Discovery Rangers Track – includes all the weekly meeting guides, merit teaching materials, and boy’s worksheets needed for Discovery Rangers
- Royal Rangers Leader Manual (item #022171) – one for each leader
- Discovery Rangers Handbook (item #020615) – one for each boy
- TRaCclub – Adventure Rangers Track – includes all the weekly meeting guides, merit teaching materials, and boy’s worksheets needed for Adventure Rangers
- Royal Rangers Leader Manual (item #022171) – one for each leader
- Adventure Rangers Handbook (item #020616) – one for each boy
- TRaCclub – Expedition Rangers Track – includes all merit teaching materials, Spirit Challenges, and student handouts needed for Expedition Rangers
- Royal Rangers Leader Manual (item #022171) – one for each leader
- Expedition Rangers Handbook (item #020617) – one for each boy
Additional Resources Needed
In addition to curriculum, we recommend that your program utilize some form of uniform to help in promoting your program and to provide your leaders and boys with a group identity and a sense of membership in the program. These items may also serve as a platform for enabling individuals to display their accomplishments in the program. Uniforms may be as simple or elaborate as you chose, based on a variety of options available to you. Please visit our uniforms page for more information on the uniform options available to you.
Royal Rangers also provides a great deal of other resources to help make your program as successful as possible. Visit the Royal Rangers Online Store to see all products currently available, or contact us to request a printed product catalog.
Spanish Curriculum
For information related to Royal Rangers curriculum in Spanish, visit our Spanish curriculum page. We welcome your feedback on your need for Spanish curriculum.